
Der (Mos-)hammer!

Entgegen allen Vorurteilen über die amerikanische Medienlandschaft wird man auf KQED, der lokalen Public Radio Station, vorzüglich über das Weltgeschehen informiert. In einer Live-Übertragung gab dort gestern morgen Condoleezza Rice bei der Senatsanhörung zu ihrer Amtseinführung als Außenministerin zum Besten, sie hielte den asiatischen Tsunami für eine "wunderbare Gelegenheit". Na, das fängt ja gut an. Wenigstens das erste Fettnäpfchen hätte sie doch auslassen können.

An Peinlichkeit ist das schon kaum zu übertreffen, aber die Bildzeitung schafft es immer wieder doch noch. Und so fragt man sich als geneigter Leser, welche Drogen man eigentlich genommen haben muss, um in aller Öffentlichkeit einen so unglaublichen Schwachsinn zu verzapfen.


Unknown said...

From your bio, I don’t know whether you are a German living in America or just an American living in America who likes to write in German, but I suspect the former.

You are correct about NPR. It is very informative. As for the prejudices of the American media landscape, lack of world coverage does exist on the major American networks, but only because Americans generally aren’t interested in Gerhard Schroeder and what he’s doing in Berlin, for example. It’s all about viewer ratings.

As for the Bild, as I have said so often before, “the Bild is the largest selling publication in Europe…which frightfully…might tell us something about European INTELLECT.” This is very evident when I walk into a break room at work and see mangled copies of the Bild laying across most of the tables. I am often thinking, oh my god, these poor German workers actually believe the shit they are reading in that paper. Yes, we Americans do have our tabloids too, but they are designated as such and read mostly by bored housewives, not the majority of the American public.

On the subject of Moshammer…I do agree with Wagner concerning a letter he wrote yesterday in the printed Bild suggesting that just as he wouldn’t cry tears over a scuba diver who insisted on swimming with sharks only to eventually be eaten by one, the same sentiment holds true with Moshammer. Wagner wrote that the “Sharks” in Mosi’s case, were the young men he insisted in picking up. Even though I generally can’t stand Wagner, I have to agree, even though I would characterize Mosi more as the “Shark”.

I’m sorry Ikarus, I never liked Moshammer, and I hardly see what all the fuss is over his death. He was just a gay guy with shockingly poor taste in both clothes and apparently men as well.

I think that we too often we overlook character flaws, and even glorify, certain prominent members of the gay community only because we’re afraid to be branded as bigots. I bet if George Bush came out and admitted that he was gay, the whole world would suddenly “understand” him and probably call him a good humanitarian.

Ludger said...
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